6 to 8 portions
Dulcey chocolate, coffee and tangerine yule log recipe
An original recipe by L’Ecole Valrhona Gourmet
Immersion blender
Plastic film
Parchment paper
Piping bag
Made with the products below :
1. Dulcey 35% chocolate whipped ganache
- 115g Heavy cream 36%
- 15g Acacia honey
- 170g Dulcey 35% chocolate
- 310g Cold heavy cream 36%
Prep time: 15 min
Rest time: overnight (12h minimum)
- Heat up 115g cream with the honey. Pour a third of this hot mixture into the melted DULCEY 35% chocolate, stirring vigorously with a spatula.
- Add another third the same way. Do the exact same with the final third.
- Mix using an immersion blender to make a perfect emulsion. Add 310g of cold cream and mix with an immersion blender again.
- Seal with plastic film and store overnight in the refrigerator.
2. Tangerine confit
- 225g Organic tangerines
- 15g Unsalted butter
- 15g Brown sugar
- 30g Sugar
- 30g Acacia honey
- 3g Cornstarch
- 60g Water
Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 1h
Rest time: overnight (12h minimum)
- Wash and brush the tangerines. Boil the tangerines for 30 minutes in a large volume of water to reduce their bitterness. Drain and roughly cut them, making sure to remove the stalks.
- Cook them on a low heat with butter and brown sugar. Let the mixture caramelize, then add the sugar, honey and cover with water. Leave to reduce until almost all the liquid has evaporated.
- Cover with water and leave to reduce again. Finely crush the tangerines before adding the cornstarch, which has been mixed beforehand with 60g of water.
- Boil for a few minutes, stirring vigorously all the while to stop the texture from becoming grainy. Store in the refrigerator overnight.
- Mix using an immersion blender.
3. Coffee-soaking syrup
- 200g Espresso coffee
- 25g Sugar
Prep time: 10 min
Rest time: until use
- Heat up the coffee and add the sugar.
- Mix well then store in the refrigerator.
4. Viennese sponge
- 40g Egg yolks
- 105g Eggs
- 85g Sugar
- 65g Egg whites
- 25g Sugar
- 55g All-purpose flour
Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 5-6 min
Rest time: until the cake cools down
- Beat together the yolks, whole eggs and 85g of sugar until the mixture whitens.
- Then beat the egg whites with the remaining 25g of sugar in a food processor.
- Fold the stiffened egg whites into the first mixture and add the sifted flour with a spatula. Mix again.
- Spread 360g sponge on a 30 × 40cm baking tray and bake at 445°F (230°C) for 5-6 minutes in a fan-assisted oven.
- Take the sponge out of the oven and cover with parchment paper, placing a weight over the top to prevent the paper from moving. Use this trick to prevent the sponge from drying out and give it a softer texture.
5. Yule log assembly
Prep time: 30 min
Rest time: 4h30
- Cut out three 10 × 27cm strips of sponge. Soak one strip in coffee syrup then add 150g of tangerine confit. Place in the freezer for 1 hour.
- Beat 120g DULCEY 35% chocolate ganache in a food processor at medium speed until it has a light mousse-like texture. Spread the whipped ganache over the confit then freeze for 30 minutes.
- Place a second sponge strip onto the whipped DULCEY 35% chocolate ganache, soak in coffee syrup and spread another 150g of tangerine confit on top.
- Place the last sponge strip soaked in coffee syrup on top. Whisk the remaining DULCEY 35% chocolate whipped ganache until its texture is soft and frothy, easy to pipe. Using a piping bag with a plain round 16mm-diameter nozzle, add generous droplets across the surface of the final sponge strip.
- With a melon baller soaked in hot water, randomly dig out a few drops of whipped ganache. Fill the resulting holes with tangerine confit. Freeze for at least 3 hours. Take the yule log out of the freezer and cleanly trim off the edges using a heated chef’s knife. The finished yule log is 8 × 24cm.